Hollow Polycarbonate Sheets
Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/8/3 11:18:41 Hits:1514
Structurally, hollow polycarbonate sheet has two layers with an air space between the layers.
So, far it has become popular in a number of industrial and domestic applications such as greenhouse glazing.
This is mainly due to the lightweight.
This implies, one may not require strong structural reinforcement.
This will have some significant cost saving.
Furthermore, hollow polycarbonate sheets are also popular due to better insulation properties.
This is due to the air space that exist between the two sheets.
Air is a good insulator.
In many applications, the insulation property of hollow polycarbonate sheets is described in terms of its R-Value.
R-vale is a term used to describe the insulation property of a material.
As you can see from the above table, the R-Value mainly varies depending on the number of layers of the polycarbonate sheet.
Remember, the number of layers also forms the basis of classifying different types of hollow polycarbonate sheets.